Sarah introduces Amy
Sarah, @positively_stella:
When I first had my stoma formed, my stoma nurse told me that it was a good idea to name my stoma. I thought what on earth is she talking about. But she explained that it built a connection with you stoma and it would make it easier to talk about your stoma with other people. So I named my stoma Stella. And my stoma nurse was right, it really did build that connection straight away, not only for me but for family and friends too. I could speak about my stoma at ease. Examples “Stella has been itching a bit today”, “I just need to go and change Stella”, “Stella has changed my life” it really did bring the ease of those conversations and I’m so glad that I named her!
Amy, 29. Colostomy
I am Amy and I'm 29, I am a mum, a wife, a student and I am an Ostomate.
In the last 8 years I have had more surgeries then I can count on 2 hands and this ultimately left me with my stoma in February 2020. My stoma which is a colostomy was made permanent following my abdominoperineal resection in September 2020.
Amy's Stoma is called Bob. She told us her daughter named him
The reason I had my stoma was due to chronic obstructions, inertia and adhesions. My stoma was made permanent because I developed diversion colitis in my rectum. I had a total hysterectomy at the age of 24 after multiple surgeries. It was only after this the issues with my bowels became obvious. After months and months of not being able to eat proper food I got hospitalised with a stricture cause another blockage and my consultant and I came to the decision that a stoma would be the best course of action. It was not an option I had really considered but I knew mentally and physically my body wasn't going to deal with much more trauma.
Amy mentions that she also has to catheterise due to urinary retention.

As much as I am relatively new to the stoma world, I am grateful for it. My stoma has saved and given me my life back. It is a journey and I don't think it will ever stop because I am continually learning about my new body and the life I have got now. My stoma has allowed me to be everything I want to be again and I will continue to learn to love it as much as I now love my life. I still suffer from obstructions but through movicol and self dilation I am getting there

I set up my stoma account, @Amy.Ostomy.Lou to raise awareness and help anyone of needs it. The stoma community has been incredible for me and I want to give back to it.
If you would like to share your story and discuss it with us in a one on one awareness feature please get in touch.
Amy purchased a 3 pack of our Women's Ostomy Seamless Support Briefs and posted the first image shown to her Instagram page, with a glowing review:
"I am a massive advocate of comfort for my stoma and I have posted before about my love of granny pants 🧓🧓🧓🧓
But I think I just treated myself to the queen of granny pants... I'm in love ❤️
I found these bad boys at CUI Wear and thought I'd give them a go.
Do I regret it.... Not one little bit. Granny pants designed for an ostomy that do not ride up my barbie butt WINNER WINNER WINNER WINNER
Me and my high waist granny pants will forever be a thing 😁😁😁"
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